Story Time


Urban legends 

The current show I’m in, Leave Only Footprints, at Annex Theatre, I play a character who tells stories.

The other day, when I went to rehearsal, I thought I might be there a while and decided to park at the garage on Harvard Ave behind Seattle Central College. I turned off Harvard into the drive and noticed a stop sign that I couldn’t recall having seen before, and a speed bump, too. I stopped next to the booth and saw that someone was in there. It had been years since that booth had been staffed. The last several times I parked there, you had to hassle with some kind of online payment with an app or a code, and stand there fiddling with your phone, being pretty certain your credit card number was being stolen.

But this time, it was a person asking for $15. I looked at the guy like, what are you doing here? I gave voice to the thoughts I just wrote in the previous paragraph. Oh no, he said, I’ve been here for years. I argued, No no, last couple times I paid by phone with a QR code. Oh no, you’re mistaken, he replied, it’s been me the whole time. Another round of this. Then, Have you seen the movie The Shining? says I. Yeah, says he. Then I go, Do you remember the guy who said, I’ve always been the caretaker? You remind me of that guy. Then he said, I’m going to use that. 

Pic from Wikipedia


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