What if it’s all a simulation

About this New Yorker article, What Are The Odds We Are Living In A Computer Simulation, lot of people are saying “LOL. Just go to church!” But as discussed, the simulation proponents are doing it not to pursue meaning. They substitute mere understanding.

The similarities are obvious. Both say that the world around you is not the real, or important world. What’s real is what’s behind or underneath. Beyond that, though, these interpretations don’t go the same direction.

The simulation proponents are not saying that a powerful force outside ourselves created the simulation, they are saying our technologically advanced descendants made the simulation. So, it’s us creating the simulation for us, locking out the supernatural.

It’s materialist at the core. Nothing follows from it. There is nothing about meaning or our responsibility for meaning-making. That’s the opposite of what “church” purports to be about.

I recommend the article and thinking about all the connected and implied ideas.


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