It's a sports blog now: Home Run
Honestly, it’s not rational at all, and maybe a little bit pathetic, but sports moments can mean so much. I moved to western Washington for good in 1989 but was never really a Mariners fan. I maintained my loyalty to the Pittsburgh Pirates, and I was busy with other things. Also, the Mariners were terrible, and it seemed like a fool’s errand to invest anything into an awful team, especially after having endured a decade of futility and heartbreak from the Pirates. In 1995 when the Mariners went on a crazy run and made it into the playoffs, I was sickened by all the fair-weather fans and their complete misunderstanding of the game of baseball. At the time, one of the Seahawks (I think it was their punter) denounced them all as “frontrunners.” I remember he said something like “every city has them.” I did not join the fan frenzy either. I’m not proud of that teenager-like, oppositional-defiant stance, but it was what it was. Then in 2000, for whatever reason, I decided to try to get into...